Sails.js IN ACTION

by Mike McNeil and Irl Nathan

Howdy and welcome! This is the main page for the book with links to chapter repos, gists, mockups and more. Each chapter at a minimum will contain at least one Github repo and gists. The gists provide the complete context for snippets of code found in listings in the book. Some chapters also contain mockups and API documentation through links to Google spreadsheets. Navigate to each chapter using the links provided above.

GitHub Repositories
Chapter 3 - We'll start building Brushfire in chapter 3. Since this is the beginning of the project there is no starting GitHub repo to clone. Chapter 3 does have an ending repo named brushfire-ch3-end. So if you want to see what Brushfire should look like at the end of chapter 3, clone this repo.
Chapter 4 - In chapter 4, we've added assets to Brushfire for the start of chapter 4. Therefore, it's necessary to clone the chapter 4 repo named brushfire-ch4-start before starting the chapter. Similar to chapter 3, chapter 4 also has an ending GitHub repo named brushfire-ch4-end. If you'd like to see what the project looks like by the end of chapter 4 or you want to use it for the start of chapter 5, clone this repo.
Chapter 5 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 5. Therefore, if you completed chapter 4 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 5 without completing chapter 4, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch4-end first.
Chapter 6 - In chapter 6, we've added assets to Brushfire for the start of chapter 6. Therefore, it's necessary to clone the chapter 6 repo named brushfire-ch6-start before starting the chapter. Chapter 6 also has an ending GitHub repo named brushfire-ch6-end. If you'd like to see what the project looks like by the end of chapter 6 or you want to use it for the start of chapter 7, clone this repo.
Chapter 7 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 7. Therefore, if you completed chapter 6 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 7 without completing chapter 6, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch6-end first.
Chapter 8 - In chapter 8, we've added assets to Brushfire for the start of chapter 8. Therefore, it's necessary to clone the chapter 8 repo named brushfire-ch8-start before starting the chapter. Chapter 8 also has an ending GitHub repo named brushfire-ch8-end. If you'd like to see what the project looks like by the end of chapter 8 or you want to use it for the start of chapter 9, clone this repo.
Chapter 9 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 9. Therefore, if you completed chapter 8 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 9 without completing chapter 8, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch8-end first.
Chapter 10 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 10. Therefore, if you completed chapter 9 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 10 without completing chapter 9, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch9-end first.
Chapter 11 - In chapter 11, we've added assets to Brushfire for the start of chapter 11. Therefore, it's necessary to clone the chapter 11 repo named brushfire-ch11-start before starting the chapter. Chapter 11 also has an ending GitHub repo named brushfire-ch11-end. If you'd like to see what the project looks like by the end of chapter 11 or you want to use it for the start of chapter 12, clone this repo.
Chapter 12 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 12. Therefore, if you completed chapter 11 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 12 without completing chapter 11, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch11-end first.
Chapter 13 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 13. Therefore, if you completed chapter 12 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 13 without completing chapter 12, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch12-end first.
Chapter 14 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 14. Therefore, if you completed chapter 13 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 14 without completing chapter 13, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch13-end first.
Chapter 15 - We haven't added any assets for the start of chapter 15. Therefore, if you completed chapter 14 you can continue to the next chapter with that project. If you want to start chapter 15 without completing chapter 14, make sure you clone the brushfire-ch14-end first.